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We offer dozens of discounts to our senior citizens who utilize our services and rent our limos and buses! We want to give back to the community and share our love for this older generation by offering so many deals and discounts so they too can enjoy a limo. Our limos and drivers are excellent for those who are above the age of 60 because our limos are all very smooth and luxurious. For more information on discounts and our limos, call us!
For our seniors, we also have a wide selection of Orlando Senior Sedan Rentals. Our sedans also offer a nice smooth ride. You can rent these sedans for dinner with your significant other, golf trips, business, or even early morning coffee runs!
Not to mention our amazing fleet of buses! We have the largest fleet in the whole Orlando area! We have buses that start at 15 passengers and go all the way up to 60! We have charter buses, shuttle buses, SUV's, and much more! Check them all out by visiting the button below.
Orlando Senior rates and pricing can be easily determined use our simple software that generates a instant price for multiple companies that you can choose from. Some companies do one ways also know as point to points. Other do round trips or 2 way transfers, multiple stops are typically covered under hourly but sometime can be hybrid. Hybrid pricing is when you use a limo for a transfer and then hourly. This happens sometimes when at weddings when the client needs a limousine for 3 hours and then only need a one way transfer 5 hours later for example. So companies have minimum hours and some do not. Some charge fuel, tip and tax included some do not and some do not require it. Airport transfers can be different due to licensing through the airport and varies per company.
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